Saturday, April 19, 2008

PV Review: Resonant Blue - Morning Musume

Okay, before I rant on the simple fact that this PV was, in fact, just one continuous dance shot, with the only focus being on Ai, Reina and Koharu, allow me to say one thing:

Who knew something as simple as someone pointing could come off so cool?

Sexiest Opener Ever 8D

Damn, Aika, when the hell did you turn twenty? Looking so mature already~ LinLin doesn't look bad either, but seriously, for those few seconds, Aika owns this PV, and for a, what, fifteen year old, is pretty damn sexy.


The same however, can not be said for a certain supposed "Miracle" member.


Omg, someone stop her. Before she breaks something. Like my brain.


I mean, whose idea was this? Does she actually think what she's doing is sexy? D: It's sickening


My stomach may never recover from the shovelling of Koharu in this PV

AND SHE SINGS ALL OF TWO LINES! WTH? Why is she spammed when Reina and Ai basically own the song vocally?

Eri - Just about there

Ah Eri. There you are, as ever, fighting for your screen time and dancing like the dance fiend you so clearly are. Vocally, you're as good as Reina to me, and yet you barely exist in this PV. I fear it is your destiny to become one of the forgotten Musume, along with Asuka, Ishiguro, Kei Yasuda and Makoto :< But dance on Eri~ You're "dakedo, ne ne, dakedo"'s completely make this song for me.


Oh my >> Did I just see what I think I saw << A Morning Musume dance break, in which the dance looks interesting, together and .... almost.... dare I say..... cool. Naturally Ai is front and center :3 That's my girl~ I'm all for campaigning for the little members, but it's so undeniable she's the leader, in every sense of the word of this group, so she's deserving of screentime. Unlike some people:


Damn, I looked at it again D:

Help Me!!


She's screaming Help Me! She's asking us to get her the screen time D: Poor girl~


And thus ends this this PV, which was all in all, just a dance shot, which still pisses me off. Where's the variety~? u.u

Pv Review: U - Super Junior M

After watching it four times, I had only taken down two things to screencap and two to GIF. Shows how bad I am at estimating, really. I expect an F in maths. But then I say that every post these days~ Anyways, on to spazz! 8D

To open a new MV for a new subgroup, that's kind of boring and staticy, don't you think? I mean maybe that's just me. But the most important thing to me about this opening was this; it immediately established who center was. It's like, anyone with a half a brain who watched those first three seconds would know, straight away, Geng's center, and this makes me a very very happy fangirl. However I had to rewatch it, just to see something

Is it just me, or did Shiwon just rub his hand up his leg there? I mean, I have no problem with that, if I was him I'd be touching myself all the damn time.... maybe not on film, but whatever floats his boat.

This could of course, have just been my imagination, considering how dark that section is, it's almost impossible to tell. But he continued touching himself later in the mv.... but more on that later ^___^

Just how Michael Jackson was that?

I'm not sure how to feel about the remix quite yet. It seems to me like they've tried to lean toward an even more American version, Timbaland style, which is, you know, great and all, considering the man sells like nobodies business, but it also leaves everything feeling kind of samey and like we've heard it before. Evem Timbaland can't do Timbaland well most of the time. ( -cough- Give It To Me -cough- ) What led SM producers to believe they'd do any better?

It also seems to have... de-intensified the song somehow, like the original had more drama, or at least as much drama as a four minute pop song can have. But there's also a new, more techno-y melody introduced, adding another hook, and more hooks are always good really. And some of it really makes me think of the nineties. Anyone else get that, or is it just me being crazy? (Edit a Day later: I decided in the end that this version pwns the original in the end. )

Anyways, enough of me trying to make concise, interesting comments. I promised spazz. ON TO THE SPAZZ 8D

I had to go back and watch this like three times after I made the first GIF, just to watch Zhoumi do that again and again and again. If Mi had contributed nothing else to this MV, this would be more than entertaining enough for me to justify his presence 8D

7 seconds in, and Appa and Umma (looking far sexier than Kangteuk I might add) are officially established. Thank you editors.

Then we get treated to three of the best beauty shots ... like ever.

And I never thought I'd say that about Kyu, but god damn, black and white suits him~

OMG, DID I JUST SEE HENRY'S FACE? -flails- He has such a baby face, seriously, I wanna pinch his cheeks~

While the opening established Geng as center, I think this was the moment he was made obvious as the leader. You know how when Teuk punches the ground in Don't Don? Yeah, like that~

Can someone please explain to me why the make up artists and lighting people decided to make Shi look like he was on the verge of death in a lot of his close up shots? His skin looks really unhealthy and you should not do that to pretty boys :/ And why is he looking so skinny too? His face is so narrow!

Oh for fucks sakes. When we cleared ten seconds and there was as of yet no appearance of a woman, I thought we were safe. Who the hell is this? When I saw this, I could only wonder whether she'd have any real purpose in the MV, or whether she'd end up like Yeonhee and YoonA, completely useless. I know, I know, silly me. OF COURSE she was gonna end up like that. She's worse than both of them. She wishes she could be YoonA, who wishes she coul be YeonHee. If Yeonhee failed at making things less homosexual, I doubted random!girl could do any better and she really didn't.

To make any SuJu mv a Suju mv, I feel if Shiwon is involved, you need at least three solid seconds of him as a tall, awkward dancer to really make it feel complete. Like that bit of him over exaggerating the hip movement in Dancing Out, or when he points into the air for Don't Don for his line, or how he bounces into position in U. As soon as I saw this, I felt a certain sense of aw~ home come over me :3 He appears to be counting in his head from his expression. Bless.

As I said earlier, the Shi thing to do in this MV is let him touch himself and what better way to do that than give him a mirror 8D Cause lets face it, no matter how sexy a person is, they're never quite gonna be Shi worthy, so the boy should be just left alone to make out with himself in the mirror like the genetic freak of nature he so clearly is. Preferably with a camera running to catch the entire thing.

Suddenly I'm craving Shi/Shi fic. Bad Nic, bad. -slaps self-

It was clear from this point on, to me at least, that Geng was gonna own this entire thing. And indeed he did. He just kept owning and owning and owning...

.... and owning and owning and owning...

I think I finally figured out just what my problem with RyeoWook is. While most of you probably see the above when you look at him...

I see this. Not that I have any problem with Ralph Fiennes (or, for that matter, Lord Voldemorte) But honestly, the snake look just isn't pretty to me. And Wook has it in bucketloads.

I'm still so undecided about this guy. One second I love him, the next not, the next I love him again. :/ I mean, he gets immediate major points for just being ShiHan baby, but he just doesn't seem to quite know what to do with those incredible genes. But make blowjob faces. Which he does in this mv, I noticed. Abundantly.

Guh. He makes blinking so damn sexy *_* Makes you wonder what's going through his head. 8D This maybe:

I am so so glad they decided to make use of the ab flash beautful jump for the video. Because that's the kind of thing that should really be present for.... uh... how acrobatic and talented it makes Geng look 8D

OMG! DID I JUST HEAR HENRY SING?! (in case you can't guess, this was my general reaction to... anything Henry did in this mv basically )

I don't know what Kyu is trying to do with his neck there, nor do I remotely care. Somehow, in the midst of this MV making, baby turned into a man and started radiating awkward sexy~ Speaking of which

It's always just so nice to watch Shi dance in the background. :3 -sigh-

Oh yeah, definitely Shiwon's child~ But he still has absolutely no clue what to do with it.

...and owning and owning and owning...

.... and owning and owning and owning....

Oh yeah, he just blew everything else the other's could possibly do right out of the water. That dance solo FUCKING OWNED. Every moment in Suju history. EVER. The gif doesn't even do it justice~ Go watch it again, right now. Fuck this spazz post, go watch it again for a while and just bask.

Back? Okay. I'll just note at this point what a bitch of an MV this was to GIF. Its too dark at some sections and I swear to god, the camera never stops moving for even a second.

And oh look they pulled out Henry's violin again. Surprise! ¬_¬ But really, the big surprise was that, with this remix, it fits in pretty damn well~ Kudos to the producers for that I guess.

I love how Han is totally about to kick random!girl in the face in this 8D But more seriously, what the fuck is that scene even about?

Ugh~ I dislike the girl even more, but really what makes me o.o right here is Shiwon's expression. Is that meant to be adoring? Cause really, his entire stance is just "Don't make me hit you with a two by four bitch."

Also, Han's hand is totally reaching for Shi there, not her. Just to inject some more SiHan into proceedings :3

There's something so singularly camp about this dance move, in the same way that say, John Travolta's disco dance moves had a serious touch of camp to them. I just came through my teeth there, a little.

... and owning and owning and owning...

I love how he knows how damn sexy he is in that little smirk. He's so aware of his pwnage, what he's doing to like, everyone watching and he's enjoying it. HanKyung is the devil, but a sexy devil, so it's forgiveable.

Another thing that no SJ mv should be without. Especially with ShiHan front and center.

OMG, IT'S HENRY SINGING "STOP"! (I love that it is actually spelled "cuz I can't " in the subs, by the by) I know this seems like such a pointless thing to GIF, but throughtout the MV, I had been trying to decide who it was Henry was reminding me of, and then I finally figured it out: YOOCHUN! No? No? I dunno, he seriously looks like Micky to me somehow. But I like Henry better obviously.

Also, I love his rat teeth. Just cause.

Okay, wth with making Shi look so evil in this Mv? Admittedly, sexy evil, but that's a given~ First he's a zombie, then woman beater, and now he looks like the kind of guy you wouldn't want to ..... actually scratch that. Of course you'd want to meet Shiwon in a dark alleyway. Silly Nic.

ShinDong makes his presence on the choreography felt. He's there in spirit. Possibly the most retarded thing I have ever seen, EVER, but I intend to GIF it from lives multiple times and just make a spam post of those alone. I can't believe that most of them actually manage to do that with a straight face. At least Shiwon has the decency to look down. Or maybe he just felt the need to look at himself again.

Really, I can't emphasize this enough: If Han wasn't being such an effective pwner, Kyu would own this damn thing. I never even found him that attractive before, certainly not with his black hair at least, and now I'm all creamy all over him >_>

And a little more of Shi sexing himself in the mirror.

And then Geng being gorgeous again, just to remind you, in case you needed it, that no matter how good looking Shi or Kyu or anyone else may be, or how well they do in this video, they're all Geng's bitches in the end.

So how do I feel about this MV? I felt the need to ask myself this. I guess I was feeling that there was an absence of something, that I was just expecting more, but after the huge ass build up, I suppose it's only to be expected. Like I said, Han owned the damn thing. Shi was forgettable, despite being well featured, and thoroughly sexual. Kyu and Wook both shone in good ways, Henry and Zhoumi established themselves. Hae was overly present and so is not present in this review. Yay bias :3

Hot Blood Episode 1 Review

Don't be stupid: the real point of Hot blood isn't to form a boy band for JYP or bring in ratings for Mnet. No. It was to bring this adorkable being to my attention.


JYP: The link from man to ape. Or maybe just a troll

The more I look at this clip, the more I realize: JYP is indeed proof we evolved from apes.


DongHae, anyone?

Yeah, stage fright is a great thing fro an idol to have, obviously

This one sings with his hans over his eyes. Shyness? Does anyone else feel this might be hampering ON STAGE IN FRONT OF THOUSANDS?


In my notes on this one, I have the following written:
>< Face
>< Hair
>< Teeth
>< Pink jumper!
So, it would be fair to say, it was hate at first sight.

Jo Kwon is, however, proof that first impressions are often completely wrong 8D


Hilarious! So gay, not ghei, but like, really gay, but he's still so funny! I love a boy who can depreciate himself, and bringing you the looking like that actress thing was pure gold. And it also provided us with the first "Can you repeat that moment of the series?"

8D ..... Again!

Thank god for the clever editor people; they saw the hilariousness too and provided us with the repeat themselves. I imaging, perhaps, that this is what people see in HeeChul. But Jo Kwon feels a little different, not quite as in your face to the viewer, but still ^^ I thought this was gonna be one of the best moments of the series, but I was soon proven wrong....


I didn't take notice of this one until I saw this picture. couldn't tell you his name; but he's pretty damn hot 8D


8D I LOVE HEEEM! (For this alone, I don't even remember his name XD ) It's such an adorable little moment. He seems to be laughing at nothing in particular. Love it anyway~

The death of the Engrish language

This was the moment that made me realize that there was going to be so many more funny moments than just Jo Kwon. OMG, did someone just correct the engrish? MY BRAIN IMPLODEDS O_o Taek Yeon and Khun, if I'm not mistaken. According to Angie, already an otp and I'm very happy with it that way. In some ways, this means Hot Blood pwns Super Junior at english. HOWEVER, Super Junior pwn Hot Blood at engrish 8D I think that, ultimately, we both know which is a far more amusing skill~

Again, left thinking I had witnessed the most lol thing of the series. So wrong.

The white suit was pretty offensive to my eyes too

Okay, wtf happened to political correctness? Firsty, one of the boys states he likes "Black music" in his facts section, and then, in this section, which I didn't GIF since GIFS don't carry sound, someone actually says "What up nigga?" in the background. Swear to god. Go look it up on youtube @_@;

Okay, so now we come to the Khun section.




Lol!Cuter ( + the other guy ....Oul Seung or something? >>; Anyways, he's pretty funny too ^^ Admit it, you could watch this GIF for hours, marvelling at the dorkdom)


LOL!Cutest! I think Shiwon may have found a worthy contender in the "Most GIF-able person ever" category in Khun. Right now, my loyalty lies to the chocolate, but damn, Khun amuses me so much~ Love the boy.

And so we come to the end of my GIF/Picspam for Hot Blood. But I know what you're thinking. Nic! You said there was an even better moment than the engrish = real english for once one. Indeed I did. However, I didn't GIF the entire thing, as I think my comp would have a breakdown if I tried, since it would literally be like three minutes of GIF. However, I did produce for you a ten second preview of what is the Lol-est thing I have seen in a long, long time. Sufficed to say, this is the least gay Jo Kwon gets in this performance. If you value hilariousness, get your ass over to youtube and watch this full clip.... it's just...... amazing.

The preview:

I've never been so grateful for the Tell Me dance in my life

Oh yes.